Ohhhhh, my seductive little pet.... my new little story brewing right along. Yes, we are in the lust stage, my new story and I. Handsome Hubby is all cool with it, as long as I don't abandon my former WiP forever, lol. I told him that she is hibernating. She is a bit more of a beast, in need of research and the working out of complicatednesses. She is high maintenance, very needy of my undivided attention.
My new little darling, she is slick and slippery and sliding right from my pen onto the pages. I wrote 5 pages in the car the other day on the way to my sister in law's house for a family celebration. The car is a good place for me to write - My Type A-ness needs something productive to do whilst I am buckled into a seat for an hour. I swear I have the ADD. Without the H. I'm not hyperactive, I just jump from thing to thing to thing, starting a million things, working on everything a little bit at a time, and finishing it all right down to the wire. I was like that in college, I'm like that with schoolwork and housework and my to-do lists. I try to be as efficient as possible, doing 85 things at once. It's a sickness. What can I say.
But my new story is so much FUN... I was really getting bogged down with the complexities of my WiP and this time of the school year is waaaaaaaay too busy at the Real Job to have literary brain cells when I get home. I'm also purposefully not planning this story out. I have ideas about where it is going, but I am just going to write until I get there. It's very freeing, this open relationship I have with my new hot little number. And it is a little bit spicy, I must say!
Must be the deliciousness of summer approaching. :)
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
3 weeks ago
Sounds like your new story is a lot of fun!! Just right for this time of year for sure :) Good luck with it!
Thanks for following Lindsey! You are in the same exact place as me. I am working on 2 wips. One in the final coasting stage and then another new shiny one that I'm planning a little bit, but not much. I guess I'm not alone in the seduction of a new idea.
You described the lure of the "other" story so well.
Winged Writer
Ohlala- this definitely does sound juicy! I hope the heat continues all through summer!
Oh well done you with your affair! It feels so naughty and yet so good at the same time! :-) Of course you are just taking a reflective break from your first love and trying out new and exciting things before, during and after you settle down. And why not?? :-)I'm all for sugar n spice n all things naughty n nice!
Take care
Man, the new novel is definitely a temptation, isn't it? :) Five pages is great, I love it when the words just flow onto the paper! I'm sure you know this, but be careful, too, or your first WiP will be abandoned, because that new story may suck up all your time. Maybe you could have a daily word count on both? Or at least make yourself edit a bit of the old story every day, just to keep in touch. :) Just a suggestion!
Writing is so much fun when it just takes off! I tried to work on two stories at the same time for a while, but one of them filled up my mind too much. I didn't have the brain energy for both, so one is waiting for me to come back to later (maybe by then I'll have some ideas to get it flowing).
This sounds so fun! I'm glad you're finding lots of enjoyment in your new WiP!
I wish I could focus on something else while being a passenger in a vehicle. I've tried reading while my husband drive, but that's a quick recipe for getting car sick. Kind of frustrating.
Anyway, I totally understand about the flowing pages. Then it gets hard. I am working on my own "beast" right now, as much as I want to move on to a new idea that I have. I ended up just taking notes on my new idea so I can get to it when I'm ready.
this post...is SO hilarious!
if i tried to write in the car (which i most likely wouldn't since i'm the primary driver) i'd probably get motion sick.
Writing in the car with kiddos--I am impressed with your focus. I am too busy being the in-flight steward for our little ones: "Would you like the pretzels or raisins as a snack, and what is your preference for a beverage?"
I rarely plan things out. Enjoy the thrill of seeing where this story takes you. Could be the ride of your life ;-)
I need something like to get me out of my slump. Although I have so many things going on, they've all hit that point where I just have to 'write it down' and I don't want to. I want the sexy back, I want the allure, the, dare I say it, the thrill you get when you fall in love for the first time.
I definitely understand this. Have fun with the new story!
You're story sounds like fun. Enjoy.
ps: Thanks for following me. Looking forward to popping over and evjoying your blog as well. It looks fun.
I love the way new stories feel - sultry and seductive and yes they bring out the best writer in us.
It's when they get a bit of age on them that things seem to go sour for me. I'm better at beginnings than endings.
But I wrote mostly to tell you I adore the name Curly Jones and the picture you posted. What a story you could write using that face.
Blessings. keep writing.
Oh I LOVE the lust stage of writing... :) I hope it lasts for a while!
Glad to know someone else has the 85 things at once sickness. It's not that I feel guilty if I'm not busy, it's just that there are so many fun things to do! Why can't I do them all? That sleep stuff really cramps my style.
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