Ooh, it's been a looong time since I posted. :) That was sickness, report cards, and writer's block, for the most part. I got really frustrated with the WiP I'd been working on for over a year and needed a break, so I plotted out another one. I was/am excited about it, but it's dark... and between that and the also rather serious first WiP... I was kinda losing the fun of writing. And you know how when your writing is meh, you run out of stuff to blog about? Yeah. It was all starting to feel like a job, and my full time job is pretty jobby enough. ;) So I knew I needed a break.
In the meantime, we've gotten well, stuff is getting done, and another new idea crept its way in... a MG. MG! Zero trouble with the beginning, which is usually the part I a-g-o-n-i-z-e over. It's FUN! And I'm having fun writing it and sharing it with my 8 yr old. It's still but a babe as far as books go, but it definitely is bringing back some of the joy I needed to recover in writing.
So... not sure how much I'll be blogging in the next few weeks, but my hiatus won't be forever. Just one of those rebalancing, need time for other things times. Hopefully I'll be back bopping around all of your blogs soon! I miss reading you! :D
New Release Spotlight: Jamie Ogle
1 week ago