Ok, so you blinked and I changed my template back to the old one. I'm not a superstitious soul, but I have seriously been in a writing funk since I changed my template a few weeks ago. Seriously. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I don't even sit down at my writing desk until after a full day of teaching, picking up kids, dinner, homework, baths, if we're lucky a little playtime, reading, bedtimes, laundry... you name it. Because, really, everyone else's life is super busy, too. So clearly it was the new template, right?
So anyway, here we are kids, back to the old, and it feels like a pair of comfortable shoes. Ahhhhhh. Yes, the text is squished, I guess it's a necessary evil. And we're all about evil over here at Le Dangerous, anyway, so rock on.
SPEAKING OF EVIL... two exciting things going on to get my stagnant and algae-covered writing juices flowing!!! Join me if you will for... Horror at Hannah's , a flash fiction horror contest, woooooo!
(Don't ask me why my button is not working, just click on the text link above while I fret)
which is a challenge to blog each and every day in October (before the soul crushing NaNo begins in November! By the way, NaNo's 2010 site launch goes live by the end of this week! GAAAHHH!)
So now I have no excuses not to be writing. (Especially now that my broken molar is fixed and I am once again able to savor delicious, idea-inducing chocolate!) Right? RIGHT?!?!?! K, kids... see ya there!
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
3 weeks ago