Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Midweek Madness

Well, I'm just at the very beginning stages of getting my new WiP off the ground, so I don't have much to say there just yet.  So I'm thinking about making Midweek Madness a totally random feature here at Le Dange, where I just post something fun and probably not writing related.  Yeah, if I can stick to it.  Since I have no particular blogging schedule or anything. :)  (That's right - you are at my mercy!  Oh wait, actually no.  I can't really make you come here...)

Here's a Hump Day giggle.  Enjoy!

Ooh... this new template shows video way better than my old one!


Bethany Elizabeth said...

That video was ADORABLE!!!! They were so into their conversation! :)

Larissa said...

Soo CUTE My mom told me I used to have similar conversations with my twin when we were babies!

vic caswell said...

i LOVE that video!!! sooooo cute! and OHMYGOODNESS!!! did you change your profile blurb-y thing?!?!? or has it always said that?!!? either way- best. blurb. ever. and jiminey christmas! i can see why your hubs would be your muse! yowza! :P

Old Kitty said...

I have to wait to be home to watch this clip (I'm at work - darn!)!

I love random and unscheduled and mad postings!!!!! So yay for you! Take care

Hannah said...

A little randomness is good. I tried sticking to a schedule and I have Tuesday and Thursday set... I'm working on the other days.

Connie Keller said...

Good luck with getting the WIP off the ground!

Colene Murphy said...

Good luck with the WiP! Those babies are TOO cute!!

Unknown said...

So cute! Can't imagine having twins--though I did have two in diapers for a season.

Amy Holder said...

That video is too cute!!!

Roxy said...

Congrats on the new WIP. You are awesome, Lindsey! I love the new things you've done to your blog. And your muse is way better than Daniel Craig ;)

Anonymous said...

The video won't play for me.

But I do love the template. :)

Rebecca T. said...

Wah ;-; the video is gone *sigh* That's what comes of being so late to the party.