Wait! Don't go! I know, I know... the new look of my blog is unfamiliar and you want to shield your eyes. You're wondering, Where's the coffee cup? Where are the wooden floorboards? FOR GOD'S SAKE, WOMAN, WHERE ARE THE STRIPED SOCKS?
I decided to sweep the Wicked Witch look out and find something more cheerful to freshen things up a little bit. Entice myself to keep coming back. Oh, and you, too. :) Besides, what's more Dangerous than something that looks so innocuous, right?
I'm a teensy bit impulsive sometimes when I want to change my look - I'm the girl who hands her hubby a pair of scissors and says, "Please chop my hair." And when he gives me that Not again, would you PLEASE just go to the hairdresser staredown, it's not that I'm cheap. Well, maybe. But every time that happens, it's like 11pm and no respectable hairdresser is open and I can't wait until tomorrow, I need you to cut 8 inches off my hair this minute. And mostly he obliges. Because he is super sweet. And because my hair is straight and you can't mess it up that badly, and if you do, I'll just shrug and say, Whatev, cut some more to even it out. It's only hair. It'll grow back. I totally don't get mad. Ask him.
In fact, I am currently looking for a new pic to post over thar at the top, because that one that's up there is rolling her eyes at me in a very Mean Girls kinda way, since I have had short (like SHORT short) hair since last summer. LAST summer, friends. Time to update the pic already. Hush. I'm usually the family photographer, which leaves a very small and weak selection of pictures of myself to choose from. (By the way, Handsome Hubs says he prefers the longer hair, but I think really he is happy as a clam that now I actually DO go to the hairdresser since I'm not sure I want him buzzing my hairline). So... pic on the way. Pinky swear. In the meantime, enjoy the new view!
Edited: New pic added. I took this pic today. Doesn't get more current than that. :)
BONUS: Added a pic of Handsome Hubby, too. Cause I like to look at him.
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
6 days ago
I think the new template is cute! Love it!
Thank you! It makes me smile! :)
I like the bird- very springy! I think it must be that time of year- I've been working to update my blog look too.
And I know what you mean about not having many photos of yourself to choose from. Most of mine are less than flattering and the pool is rather small.
Sometimes a theme change is just what we need to spruce things up a bit! I like your new look :)
Yeah, I like this too. Very cheerful. Blue is a good color for you.
so cute! love the stars!!!
And what a lovely blog it is too!!! Yay for being spontaneous and impulsive!!! Look at the great results!! Take care
Thanks guys! It's the next day and I still like it... that's a good sign! ;)
I like the new background! It was smart of you to mention it. I usually just read through RSS, so I don't see the backgrounds.
You let your hubby cut your hair?!?!?!?! Okay, nice blog, love the colors, very upbeat, etc. etc. But...you let your hubby cut your hair?!?!?!?
I'm sorry - I guess I'm still traumatized from when I was a kid and my dad insisted on trimming my bangs. Going back and forth until they were even. Or until he reached my scalp, whichever came first.
Nice new format. Really.
This is so purty. I like it.
I would have The Man cut my hair but he would mind how it would look afterwards more than I would. My hair grows ridiculously fast.
See you in a week purty lady!
It's pretty! :)
I took the scissors to my own bangs just this morning. :-) We have a saying at our house, "when it's time to go, it's time to go." this applies to hair too. Love the new blog. I'm always moving stuff around on mine, it's like redecorating.
Adorable!! Though i was a fan of the striped socks (i really want a pair to wear), this is fitting for spring time, i think :)
Looking good. Stars, trees and birds. nice. :)
I love that header--I want to know how you (or whoever) did it! Very nice. I approve of your new look. :)
Funny, I just chopped 2-3" off my hair today; I do it myself and then my mom checks the ends and evenness a day or 2 later. Happy weekend! Will look forward to seeing your new profile pic!
Thank you! New profile pic is up. And yeah... I do let HH cut my hair, LOL... I guess I'm not that worried about how it looks, lol. I teach first grade, they're easy to impress. ;)
Hi! I've just been browsing blogland looking for websites of fellow writing aspirants and came across yours--and it seems like fun. It's always nice to find like-minded people to keep all of us motivated in our writing. You're welcome to come look at mine, if you like.
I didn't get to see the old look, but I like your header.
--Eileen, Science Ficiton Mommy
p.s. Are you sure your profile shouldn't read "even zombies can't argue that I'M more delicious than PIZZA ROLLS?" I assume you'd make them in an attempt to survive, after all. :)
Both pics are cute! Brave to let a husband cut your hair. And, funny, must be time for changes. Yours is the second blog in a row to have changed her look.
I like the new look; it looks springy; light and airy!
Good for you for being daring and brave!
I am sure glad I ran into your blog. Your style of writing is that of a writer who writes from her guts not from the step by step directions of an editor. I hope that you have written some books already and if not why?
I don't know what your old blog cover page was like, I certainly like this one.
Take it from an old timer. Never underestimate the power of a pen.
A fun upbeat post. Great pics and template!
I like the new layout! It's very chic!
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