I haven't posted in about two weeks because it's just been busy around here. Work is busy, and both Handsome Hubs and Tootsie Roll are crazy busy with their respective plays, both of which open in the next few weeks. And Tootsie Roll just got 4 teeth pulled out. And I've been a mad crazy person preparing for Technology Week at school. So... it's just one of those incredibly busy cycles we all go through and I've gotten no blogging or writing done. But at least we are all well and happy, if a bit stressed.
I had a post planned for... whenever I had time to write it, but now that I'm sitting down, exhaustion is setting in and I'm not finding the pictures I want to post with it. So it will come, but not tonight. It was a post about stopping to smell the roses when you're really busy, and being grateful for the everyday things around you, and I think the tragedy in Japan magnified that by infinity, so sadly. I read snippets of news online when I could today, but only when my first graders were out of the room, so I was getting choppy info. Think I'll take some time now to read or watch the news. The pictures are heartbreaking.
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
6 days ago
Take your time. We'll still be here when you're well rested and ready to post at great length!
It never stops. And then something like Japan happens and it makes you stop and think.
So take your time, enjoy your family. We'll be here when you get back.
I hope you get some time to rest.
Have a lovely peaceful and restful weekend Dangerous with a Pen!!!
Take care and take things easy! xx
Take it easy. Breaks are always needed and helpful. See you soon! Take care of you!
Thanks guys :) Things will calm down in April. Whew!
Don't worry about it Lindsey, life happens and that's just the way it is...it has been a busy week for me as well heading back to work after track out and this past week was the first week back...felt overwhelmed but it's now over; whew...so deep breath and move forward!
The situation in Japan is heart breaking. The images look almost unreal - more like a movie than reality. I wish it was.
It is devastating to watch.
Try to catch up on your rest.
Heartbreaking... and so important to feel gratitude for the good things.
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