I have the day to myself. I am sitting in my usual writing spot, all cozy, laptop raring to go. And I am stuck.
Maybe it's too quiet. Usually when I get my writing time, it's delicious little moments of silence here and there. They are rare and they are special, and they put me in the mood. I am not at all in the zone right now. I'm trying to be in the zone... but I'm not in that place where the story is wrapping itself around me and whispering in my ear, as much as I wish I were. I'm trying to work on the opening scene, in which my MC's mother is the focus, and she refuses to tell me her name (which is very true to her stubborn character), which in turn is making none of what I'm writing sound right.
To add to the fun, carpal tunnel has reared its ugly head, at least only on my right side, but it is making itself known all the way from my wrist up my arm into my neck and I pulled a muscle in my back putting Curly Jones down yesterday, so it feels like one giant pain from my wrist to my back. Probably doesn't help much that I'm here, typing away, but it doesn't make it hurt any worse, either. If I can't kick any of my WIP out now (which I hope does not turn out to be the case), I'll put my wrist brace on and go back to the novel I've been reading (Madapple by Christina Meldrum).
Grr. Argh.
New Release Spotlight: Kathy Escobar
2 weeks ago
You poor thing! Hang in there. Maybe today isn't meant to be a writing day. Maybe today is a reading day instead! :)
Have a great weekend.
I'm experiencing the same. I'm here and ready but my head's not cooperating...it's pounding actually. My stereo's acting up so my music isn't playing right...argh! What a frustrating start...
I hammered out a writing practice though, very roughly.
Down some ibuprofin and write!!! Even on the days where it doesn't come easy, you have to just get through it. I think that's a myth, that every day the characters will talk to you, that words will just flow from your fingers. Some days, you just have to get it done. And you will feel much happier for it, even if you read it tomorrow and it's a disaster. Most likely, it won't be that bad, and an idea will be there, just waiting to be revised.
I say, just write, because that's how books get written! :)
I did down some ibuprofin, right after I wrote the post, lol. :) It was calling to meee...
I also grabbed my heating pad, my wrist brace, some chips, and my book, and nestled down into bed for some inspiration... or at least a little comfort.
I think it worked. I'm still hurting, but after reading a few chapters of a book that is nothing like my WIP (I can't read something similar, I'm afraid I'll write too closely to what I'm reading), I began to half-doze and after a short time I did feel refreshed. Not only did MC's stubborn mom finally give up her name, but Dad's as well, and they let me in on a little scene that I love as part of the beginning.
I totally agree with you, Kelly - I am NEVER home alone for long stretches of time (since I teach and my days off are usually the same as my kids'). I've been looking forward to using this as a writing day for a long time.
But I also have an old and ugly habit of forcing my stories, which I've discussed before, and I'm taking things more easily this time, giving myself thinking time and space, listening to my characters, and enjoying the process. They have done a pretty good job of speaking to me so far, although they can definitely be stubborn.
I agree with you that I won't always have dreamy character voices in my head (lol, creeepy). I guess if I get stuck, I could always head over to Sunday Scribblings and try to write something not related to my story just to get the juices flowing. :)
Aw darn! Try getting up and dancing or something else creative. Play a little music! I hope that helps. Good luck!
I did the same and now reworking a short I wrote a long time ago. Thanks, Kelly!
It's good to know I'm not just only one who has these off days.
in reference to,
" And I am stuck." that when it's time for me to take a mental break...
I hate when that happens. Sometimes I think I get myself so jazzed up for any free writing time I have, that I jinx myself and can't think of what to write/how to start.
Sorry to hear about your wrist. I know how that goes. My WIP has come to a complete halt as of about 15 minutes ago. I was heading full stream. My main character was on a roll telling her boyfriend off and then it just stopped. I wish you the best of luck on your WIP.
I hope you managed to get in the zone. Or else I hope you enjoyed a good read. Days alone are few and far between!
It's so frustrating to have some time and the injuries won't let you work! Hopefully you feel better soon :)
Thanks, guys. My carpal tunnel comes and goes, sometimes I have long stretches without it, but lately when it comes it is killer. I'm sure surgery is in the cards for me someday. Eh.
I ended up writing only about two paragraphs but did get a much clearer picture of the end of the beginning scene, so... better than nothing! :)
I think if you keep slogging through the rough patches, when it's all done, you probably won't be able to tell the difference between the hard days and the days when your muse is whispering in your ear.
Every paragraph counts!! I agree with Lisa too...I sooo rarely get free time that I sike myself out and my writing isn't nearly as good as when I have 2 kids tugging at me!
So happy you got through it! Have a great weekend everyone. :)
Hope you are feeling better. I just stumbled upon your cool blog. Always nice to find another comrade with a pen and a dream! :)
Ugggghhh. I hate when that happens! Especially when the characters are being stubborn...
Hope it gets better!
I have to say that your posts are a breath of fresh air.
Thanks for all your words of support, everyone! :) I can't think of a more wonderful, friendly bunch of people. This online community of bloggers is like my own little gem over here because you all KNOW. And sometimes that's all I need to hear! :)
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